
Indexing means adding a document to the search engine making it available for searching. All documents have an id and that can be specified by you or generated by Elasticsearch.

First, import the ElasticDSL

```tut:silent import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._

Lets index a very simple document that has a single field, a name.

indexInto("family" / "soprano") fields {
  "head" -> "tony"

Very SQL like as you can see. We can also specify the id.

```tut:silent indexInto("family" / "soprano") fields { "boss" -> "tony" } id 1234

The id can be any object, it will be converted to a string using toString().
Multiple fields? Easy.

indexInto("family" / "soprano") fields (
  "boss" -> "tony",
  "consigliere" -> "silvio",
  "underboss" -> "bobby"
) id 1234

If we have a nested structure, we can specifiy nested fields using nested Maps:

```tut:silent indexInto("family" / "soprano") fields ( "boss" -> Map( "name" -> "tony", "age" -> "56" ) )

Similarly arrays can be specified using `Array`s or `Seq`s:

indexInto("family" / "soprano") fields (
  "boss" -> "tony",
  "members" -> Array(
  "crews" -> Seq(

More examples can be found in IndexDslTest.scala.

Indexing with Explicit Fields

Sometimes it is necessary to be able to explicitly specify fields, this can be done like:

```tut:silent import com.sksamuel.elastic4s._

indexInto("family" / "soprano") fieldValues ( SimpleFieldValue("boss", "tony"), ArrayFieldValue("members", Array( SimpleFieldValue("tony"), SimpleFieldValue("salvidor"), SimpleFieldValue("bobby") )), ArrayFieldValue("crews", Seq( SimpleFieldValue("gualtieri"), SimpleFieldValue("baccalieri"), SimpleFieldValue("barese"), SimpleFieldValue("moltisanti") )) )

## Custom Field Types

Custom field types can be defined by extending `FieldValue`:

import java.util.Date
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder

case class CustomDateFieldValue(name: String, date: Date) extends FieldValue {
  private val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")

  def output(source: XContentBuilder): Unit = {
    source.field(name, dateFormat.format(date))

This can then be used when indexing:

tut:silent indexInto("twitter/tweets") fieldValues ( SimpleFieldValue("user", "tony.soprano"), CustomDateFieldValue("post_date", new Date()), SimpleFieldValue("message", "Spending time with the family") )