Java interoperability

Indexing Arrays

The DSL does most of the work for you to not have to deal with Java type. However a few corner cases remain where you have to take care to use the right types.

Elasticsearch allows you to index an array of elements. Note that you cannot specify this in the mapping but will be accepted after you setup your mappings. To index an array you have to use Scala's Array type:

index into "threads" -> "users" fields (
  "name" -> "tony",
  "roles" -> Array("admin","root","user")
) id 1234

Alternatively you can also use Java's Array type which is bytecode equivalent due to Scala's design. If you have Scala Lists or Seq you can turn them into an Array with toArray.

This applies of course to all parts of the API where you can pass multiple values and not just the indexing part.

Dealing with SearchResponse

The result for many search (and similarly get & multiget) queries will bring you back into the Java world which means you have to deal with slightly less intuitive code.

There is a few ways you can get your results into a nice case class but here is one option:

// Necessary for the automatic conversion from java.util.List to Seq and obj.toMap
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

case class User(
  name: String,
  roles: Seq[String]
  note: Option[String]

object User {
   * @see
  def unapply(m: Map[String, Any]): Option[User] = try {
    val noteES = m("note").asInstanceOf[String]
      id    = m("_id")  .asInstanceOf[String],
      name  = m("name") .asInstanceOf[String],
      roles = m("roles").asInstanceOf[java.util.List[String]],
      note  = if (noteES == "") None else Some(noteES)))
  } catch {
    case ex: Exception => None

   * Generates a user given a Map (from ES)
   * @throws scala.MatchError if not applied properly
  def apply(m: Map[String, Any]): User = {
    val User(u) = m

   * Generates a user given an Elasticsearch SearchHit
   * Note that it might be desirable to minimize dependencies and only allow to
   * construct this from a Map and not from a SearchHit
   * @throws scala.MatchError if not applied properly
  def apply(sh: SearchHit): User = {

val user = client execute {
  import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._
  search in "threads" -> "users" query "username:bill"

val u = if( esUser.getHits.totalHits == 1) {
  val hit = esUser.getHits.getAt(0) // is of type SearchHit (ES's Java API)
  User(hit) // Note that this throws a MatchError if the format isn't right
} else {
  throw new Exception("No such user")